landmarker: Functionality Overview


Tools for point landmarking of polygonal surfaces

Simple GUI for manual point landmarking of polygonal surfaces

Landmark numbering/ordering/naming

Loading of predefined landmark sequence and names

Coloring of landmarks

Saving landmark files in simple text format

Loading and editing of previously saved landmark files

Merging of landmarks from several files

Merging of landmarks based on distance

Creation of spline curve from point landmarks, save as simple text file (.sln)

Loading and visualization of multiple landmark files

Some support for landmarking in orthogonal and oblique image slices


Visualization of polygonal surfaces, landmarks, lines and curves

Surface color, transparency

Save snapshot of scene as .jpg, .bmp, .tif

Multiple surfaces

Animation of series of polygonal surfaces (e.g. time evolution)

Load animation file containing list of series of polygonal surface files to be animated

Color surface according to scalar (color per triangle) by reading native color (.clr) file

Display and color lines and curves by reading native text files (.crv, .sln)


Tools for manipulation of polygonal surfaces:

Read surfaces in .stl, .vtk, .g, .flex, .obj, .cyb, .tri formats.

Write surfaces in .stl, .vtk formats.

Cutting (by plane, by sphere, by pattern of landmarks)


Flipping (mirroring) around specified axis

Arbitrary transformation by editing of transformation matrix

ICP registration of surfaces

TPS transformation of surfaces

Landmark based registration: scaling, similarity, rigid body, affine transformations

Connected region extraction





Triangulation of surface delineated by curve

Retrieve information on number of polygons/points

Deformation of surface to match other surface (closest point deformation)

Deformation of curve to match surface (closest point deformation)

Interpolation between surfaces



Distance between landmarks

Calculation of surface area and volume (closed surfaces only)

Closest point distance from all triangle centers in one surface to another surface

Closest point distance from point to surface

Intersection point between surface and line


Creation of polygonal surfaces

Surface from interactive image thresholding and use of Marching Cubes algorithm

Triangulation of surface delineated by landmarks

Delaunay triangulation of surface from points


Some support for volumetric 3D images

Read Analyze™ 7.5 image files (.hdr/.img) (only if written with same byte ordering as on the machine where it is read)

Read landmarker native image format (.hea/.img)

Write landmarker native image format (.hea/.img) with header in simple ASCII text format

Interactive window/level

Image invert
Landmark transform: similarity, rigid body, affine transformations

TPS transform

Orthogonal and oblique slices

Interactive thresholding by single threshold



Scripts may be written in Tcl calling landmarker’s procedures, e.g. for repeated manipulation/visualization of many surfaces